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  • Chemiluminescence detection of 務窗trace iodide with flow injection 姐討analysis of KMnO4-carbo機商n dots system...
  • 2017
  • 韓素琴
  • 山西大學(xué)
  • Luminescence Volume 32, Issue 7 Novembe算草r 2017 Pages 1192–1房就196
  • Chemiluminescence immunoassay for制土 cardiac troponin T by us錢動ing silver nanoparticles 秒雜functionalized wi...
  • 2017_
  • 李萍
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Microchimica Acta September 2017, Volum林醫e 184, Issue 9, pp 3197–3204
  • Chemiluminescence of Lucigenin–Allantoi河舞n and Its Application for th行訊e Detection of Allantoin
  • 2017
  • 徐國(guó)寶
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Anal. Chem., 2017, 89 (3), pp 1863–186間笑9
  • Chemiluminescence of Nitrogen媽城-Doped Carbon Quantum D就草ots for the Determination o睡服f Thiourea and Tannic...
  • 2017
  • 韓素琴
  • 山西大學(xué)
  • Food Analytical Methods p舊就p 1–9
  • Co-metal-organic-framewor新為ks with pure uniform遠商 crystal morphology prepared via Co2林的 + exchange-mediate...明見
  • 2017_
  • 黃承志/李原芳
  • 西南大學(xué)
  • Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular女體 and Biomolecular Spectroscopy司街 Volume 175, 15 March 2017, Pages...
  • Alleviating effect 些間of extremely low frequency pulsed elec事機tric field on drought damage 老輛of maize seedl...
  • 2017_
  • 賀瑞瑞
  • 西安理工大學(xué)
  • Journal of Luminescence Vol船一ume 188, August 2017, Pages厭照 441-447
  • An electrochemiluminescent biosen見做sor for dopamine detection usin關請g a poly(luminol–benzidine sulfate) ...湖友
  • 2017_
  • 何濤
  • 中國(guó)科學(xué)院大學(xué)很民
  • New J. Chem., 2站亮017,41, 1591-1597
  • An integrated a些暗ntioxidant activity fi河習ngerprint for commercial tea來城s based on their capaci廠司ties to scav...
  • 2017
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Food Chemistry Avai木謝lable online 5 學船May 2017 In Press, Accepted Manu短南script — Note to users
  • Artemisinin-luminol c飛黃hemiluminescenc呢東e for forensic bloodstain det術影ection using smart phone as detecto.歌內..
  • 2017_
  • 徐國(guó)寶
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • ElAr,2017
  • Carbon Dots-catalyzed Chemilum光高inescence for the Deter慢照mination of Trace Isonaphthol
  • 2017_
  • 韓素琴
  • 山西大學(xué)
  • Journal of the Chinese Chemi吧有cal Society Volume 64, Issu厭服e 5 May 2017 Pages 48草紅6–492
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