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  • Chemiluminescence o火他f the peroxomonosulphate-議們cobalt(II)-aliphatic monoc你關arboxylic acids syst喝會em.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 林金明
  • 中科院生态中心
  • Luminescence Volume銀綠 22, Issue 3, Pages 182-18到站8
  • Chemiluminescent detection of DN行離A hybridization using gold體行 nanoparticles as labels.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 李正平
  • 河北大學(xué)
  • Anal Bioanal Chem (2007) 3話銀87:613–618
  • Capillary electrophoretic im家靜munoassay for alpha-fetoprotein 懂就with chemiluminescence detection.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 劉彥明
  • 信陽師院
  • Journal of Chromatography B Volum秒錯e 855, Issue 2, 15 August 2007視話, Pages 280-285
  • A novel [Ag(NH3)2]+ p音信robe for chemiluminescent imag微路ing detection of要體 proteins after p我到olyacrylamide ge...
  • 2007
  • 歐陽津
  • 北京師大
  • PROTEOMICS Volu舊票me 7, Issue 15, pages 2511–2521, No. 很志15 August 2007
  • A novel gaseous ester sensor 工路utilizing chemilu花工minescence on nano-si志快zed SiO2.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Volu費跳me 126, Issue 2, P離麗ages 461-466
  • An electrochemiluminescent s火作ensor for glucose emplo喝知ying a modified carbon nano地白tube paste electrode.p...
  • 2007_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Analytical and Bioanalytical Che藍都mistry Volume 388,399-407
  • An ethanol sensor based on是生 cataluminescen照近ce on ZnO nanoparticles.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 7習是2, Pages 1593-1597
  • Application of a biosen雪呢sor for super-sensitive detector of c得購lenbuterol.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 李曉娟
  • 首都(dōu)師大
  • New Zealand Journal of A照會gricultural Reserch ,20聽不07 , Vol. 50: 689–695
  • A-type procyanidins fro不離m Litchi chinensis pericarp wit物校h antioxidant activity.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 謝筆鈞
  • 華中農大
  • Food Chemistry 小車Volume 105, Issue 4, 2007街就, Pages 1446-1451
  • Studies of the Catalumines慢還cence of Benzene Homologues on Nan畫在osized γ–Al2O3/Eu2O3 and th又技e Development...
  • 2006_
  • 曹小安
  • 廣州大學(xué)
  • Sensors 2006, 6, 1827-183子離6
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