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  • On-line monitoring of formaldehyde in討月 air by cataluminescence-base歌生d gas sensor.pdf
  • 2006_
  • 周考文
  • 北京聯合大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B 119 (2006) 392在媽–397
  • Liu-Shen-Wan, a traditional C見電hinese medicine, improves 麗來survival in sepsis induced by cecal li視通gation ...
  • 2006_
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • International Immunopharmacology Volum開亮e 6, Issue 8, A業我ugust 2006, Pages 明匠1355–1362
  • Flow-injection post che資鐵miluminescence determinati東熱on of atropine sulfa資兒te.pdf
  • 2006_
  • 呂九如
  • 陝西師大
  • Analytica Chimica Acta 580 如民(2006) 9–13
  • Gene Delivery into B路子rain Capillary Endothelial Cells Using 對弟Antp-Modified DNA-Loaded Nanoparticles答月.pd...
  • 2006_
  • 蔣 晨
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutic城窗al Bulletin Vol.54 (2006) No.9 P1美拍254-1258
  • In vitro monitorin雜城g of nanogram le雨刀vels of naproxen in 不來human urine using flow injection ch站看emiluminesc...
  • 2006_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Analytica chimica acta 2006, vo北木l. 558, no1-2, pp.數亮 296-301
  • Inhibition of superoxide dismutase, Vi哥線tamin C and glu為民tathione on chemilumines照草cence produced by lumin...
  • 2006_
  • 孟紫強
  • 山西大學(xué)
  • Spectroscopy Spectrochimica Ac車電ta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular 就愛Spectroscopy Volume 64問日, Issue 1,...
  • Investigation of Ch水明emiluminescence Behavior of Flavonoids 聽還with Cerium (IV體唱)‐Rhodamine B System.pdf
  • 2006_
  • 李 華
  • 西北大學(xué)
  • Analytical letters Volume 39, Number 到報9 / 2006 2007 - 2024
  • Investigation on the購影 interaction between dihydroxyb山低enzene and Fe3+–H2O2–Rh6G system b書黃ased on enhanci..麗門.
  • 2006
  • 章竹君
  • 西南師大
  • Luminescence Volume 21, Issue 1, pages 鐘間15–19,January/February 2006
  • Iridoid glycosides from Harp用她agophytum procumbens D.C. (devil’s cla姐鐵w).pdf
  • 2006
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Phytochemistry Volume 67, Issue 13, Jul志姐y 2006, Pages 1372–1377
  • Electrochemilumin呢跳escence of terbium歌女 (III)-two fluoroquinolones-sodi靜冷um sulfite system in aqueous so農公lu...
  • 2006
  • 趙慧春
  • 北京師大
  • Spectrochimica Acta Pa懂習rt A: Molecular and 窗遠Biomolecular Spectroscopy 新自Volume 64, Issue 房筆1, 1 May 2006, ...
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