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  • Chemiluminescence determ銀北ination of nitrogen oxi和北de in air with 志業a sequential injection method.pdf
  • 2005_
  • 範世華
  • 東北大學(xué)
  • Analytica Chimica Acta 541 (2005) 請國131–136
  • A nanosized Y2O3-based ca暗讀talytic chemiluminescent sensor 文數for trimethylamine.器吧pdf
  • 2005_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Talanta 65 (2005) 913–917
  • Taurine protected myocardial mitoch用月ondria injury induced by hyper下音homocysteinemia道農 in rats.pdf
  • 2004
  • 唐朝樞
  • 北京大學(xué)第一醫院心血管研究所
  • Amino Acids August 2004, 還黑Volume 27, Issue 1, pp 37-4些可8
  • The operation of the alternative 白唱electron-leak p業歌athways mediated by cytochrome c in答還 mitochondria.pdf..也女.
  • 2004_
  • 徐建興
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • Biochemical and Biophysical Research 煙相Communications 317 (2004) 980–外秒987
  • Time-resolved chemilum計林inescence technique for the microdeterm還技ination of proteins b外件ased on their comp...
  • 2004_
  • 李正平
  • 河北農大
  • Anal Sci. 2004 Sep;長呢20(9):1327-1331.
  • A Highly Efficient Chem影一ical Sensor Material 山媽for H2S: -Fe2O3 Nanotubes Fab謝放ricated Using Ca放是rbon Nanot...
  • 2005_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Advanced Materials Volume 靜樹17, Issue 24 , Pages 2993 - 2高紙997
  • A micro- chemiluminescence 窗呢determination of cyanide in厭微 whole blood.pdf
  • 2005_
  • 章竹君
  • 陝西師大
  • Forensic Science International 148算厭 (2005) 15–19
  • Recent developments i答也n nanomaterial optical sensors.pdf
  • 2004_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Trends in Analytical Chem從技istry, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2004 351-360
  • Sensitive flow-in機商jection chemiluminescence de很道termination of terbutaline sul土得fate based on enhancement...
  • 2004_
  • 章竹君
  • 西南師大
  • Analytical and Bioanalytic從照al Chemistry Volume 378: 834筆見–840, Number 3 / Feb見技ruary, 2004
  • On-line galvanic ce黑些ll generated electrochemilumin暗用escence determination of acycl站做ovir based on the flo...
  • 2004_
  • 章竹君
  • 陝西師大
  • Analytica Chimica Acta 5做銀10 (2004) 35–39
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