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  • Chemiluminescence determi嗎習nation of tetracycline based o姐可n radical produc生日tion in a basic ace工有tonitrile–...
  • 2004_
  • 盧建忠
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Analytica Chimica Act草廠a 503 (2004) 235–239
  • Chemiluminescence of coba小票lt(II)-catalysed auto-oxidation of sul裡信phite and its application to cobalt 藍請a...
  • 2004_
  • 李 華
  • 西北大學(xué)
  • Luminescence Volume 19, 南工Issue 5 , Pages 253 - 258內中
  • A novel gaseous acetaldehyde sensor ut媽地ilizing cataluminescence on nanos從頻ized BaCO3.pdf
  • 2004_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Che女吧mical 99 (2004) 3樂煙0–35
  • Multifunctional o玩知rganic–inorganic multilaye和朋r films of tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthen花空ium and decatungsta...
  • 2003
  • 董紹俊
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Electrochemistry Communications Volume樂高 5, Issue 11, November 2003, Pages 913資黑–918
  • Reactive oxygen species an門門d antioxidants i員師n apoptosis of esophageal cancer cel道務ls induced by As2O3.pd...
  • 2003_
  • 沈中英
  • 汕頭大學(xué)
  • Sensitive Flow-Injection Chemiluminesc子司ence Determinat好黑ion of Metformin 飛車Based on N-Bromosuccinimide-fl.照銀..
  • 2003_
  • 章竹君
  • 西南師大
  • Analytical Letters Volume 36, Num北少ber 12 / 2003 2683 - 269老這7
  • Sodium tanshino小白ne IIA sulfonate m一我ediates electron transfer生師 reaction in rat heart mitochondria舊樂.pdf
  • 2003_
  • 趙保路
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • Biochem Pharmacol. 2003 通制Jan 1;65(1):51-57
  • Tau could protect DNA double 門員helix structure.pdf
  • 2003
  • 赫榮喬
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • Biochimica et Biophysica 女行Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomic木的s Volume 1645, Issue 2, 21 F跳房ebruary 2003...
  • A general chemiluminescence m場裡ethod for the determination 鐵火ofsurfactants based on下志 its quenching effect.師我..
  • 2004_
  • 盧建忠
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2004,129但木, 1262-1266
  • A highly selecti媽來ve chemiluminescen做村t H2S sensor.pdf
  • 2004_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 10答家2 (2004) 155–161
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