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  • Hot Electron Induced Ca作房thodic Electrochemiluminescence at Di很影sposable Screen Printed Carbon El信人ectrode...
  • 2010_
  • 孫建軍
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Electroanalysis Volume 22, Issue 22我內, pages 2702–2707
  • Induction of inducible nitric oxi相討de synthase incre老視ases the producti請信on of reactive oxygen species in ...
  • 2010_
  • 衛濤濤
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • www.bioscirep.org / Volume 30 (4)錯體 / Pages 233–241
  • G-rich sequence-f車慢unctionalized polys音制tyrene microsphe關中re-based instantaneous derivatization科短 for the ch...
  • 2010_
  • 盧建忠
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Luminescence Volume 25, Issue 4信身, pages 336–342, July/August 2010
  • Evaluation and mechanism studies of 黑街PEGylated dendrigraft poly-L-lysi你林nes as novel gene de農事livery vect...
  • 2010_
  • 蔣 晨
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Nanotechnology Volu黑討me 21, Number 26 265101
  • Fabrication of a New Electro來學chemiluminescent Sen是輛sing Interface Based on Zi你樂nc Oxide Nanoro明畫d
  • 2010_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Electroanalysis 2010, 22, N拿視o. 3, 320 – 324
  • Flavonols of lotus (Nelumbo nucife花裡ra,Gaertn.) seed epicarp and their 科熱antioxidant pote又商ntial
  • 2010
  • 謝筆鈞
  • 華中農大
  • European Food Research and Technolog用離y July 2010, Volume 冷們231, Issue 3, pp 38線外7-394
  • Flow injection chemiluminesc化海ence determination of 6笑習-mercaptopurine based on a new s低間ystem of potassiu...
  • 2010_
  • 王 倫
  • 安徽師大
  • Luminescence Vo是來lume 25, pages 431–435
  • FoF1-ATPase activity regula是在ted by external l自短inks on β subunits
  • 2010_
  • 樂加昌
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • Biochemical and Biophys錯報ical Research Commu在們nications Volume 391, Issue 1, 1 Ja資友nuary 2010, Pages 182-1...
  • Enhancement effe店的ct of CdTe quantum dots-IgG bioc老說onjugates on chemilumi舞紅nescence of luminol-H2路店O2 syste...
  • 2010_
  • 蘇星光
  • 吉林大學(xué)
  • Journal of Luminesc國美ence Volume 130, Issue 10, October 2討線010, Pages 1901-1906
  • Determination of bis時不phenol A based on chemiluminesce小城nce from gold(III)-peroxymonoc報做arbonate
  • 2010_
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化工大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 82, Issue 4什妹, 15 September 2010, Pages 1576-林線1580
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