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  • Fabrication of an electrically heated i跳刀ndium-tin-oxide electrode for electroc錢林hemiluminescent detecti...坐體
  • 2009_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2009, 134, 731–737
  • Development of a sensiti草懂ve gas sensor by trapping報區 the analytes on n懂分anomaterials and in situ catalumi...
  • 2009_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 短謝141 (2009) 168–行市173
  • Detection of DNA immobilized on bare go放刀ld electrodes and gold nanopar老綠ticle-modified electrodes via e..影物.
  • 2009_
  • 張成(chéng)孝
  • 陝西師大
  • Microchim Acta (2009) 164:69–76
  • Determination of Organophosphorou和也s Pesticide Phosphamidon in En文街vironmental Water with Lum微行inol Chemil...
  • 2009
  • 劉曉宇
  • 華中農大
  •  Journal of AOAC International, V科房olume 92, Number 3, Ma國新y 2009, pp. 914-91到路8(5)
  • Determination of Phe分器nolic Acids in Danshen Preparat子看ions by LC with Chemil我弟uminescence Detect門有ion
  • 2009_
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Chromatographia 2009, 69, 319–32木黃3
  • Determination of puerarin b很通y capillary electrophoresis鐘拿 with chemiluminescence d校低etection
  • 2009_
  • 韓素琴
  • 山西師大
  • Journal of Chromatography B, 877窗哥 (2009) 1591–1594
  • Determination of synergistic effects of錢靜 polymethoxylated flavone extracts o雪中f Jinchen orange pe明科els (C...
  • 2009_
  • 潘思轶
  • 華中農大
  • Eur Food Res Technol (2009近笑) 229:743–750
  • Determined of antioxidant act男美ivity and preventing DNA damage effec靜們t of peanut polypept銀師ides by chemil...
  • 2009
  • 張聲華
  • 華中農大
  • Journal of Life Sciences,友空 Sep. 2009, Volum花章e 3, No.9 (Seria歌水l No.22) 43-48 ISSN 1934-7391, U有坐SA
  • Design of Molecular Beacons as Signalin開她g Probes for Ad年機enosine Triphosphate Detection in 外影Cancer Cells...
  • 2009
  • 張書聖
  • 青島科大
  • Anal. Chem., 2009, 81 (21), pp 8695–8錢河701
  • Catalytic electro什不generated chemiluminescence and 雨家nitrate reduction at C和國dS nanotubes modified glassy 醫銀...
  • 2009
  • 孫建軍
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Langmuir. 2009 Jan 6慢了;25(1):555-60.
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