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  • The identificati睡費on of foods treated with γ irradiation舊玩 by the use of a lumines頻女cence technique: a cas...
  • 2005
  • 包勁松
  • 浙江大學(xué)
  • nternational Journal of Food Sc見年ience & Technology V媽雜olume 40, Issue 商林7, pages 783–788,Augus業歌t 2005
  • RecX is involved長錯 in antioxidant m說裡echanisms of the radioresista間是nt bacterium Deinococcus radiodur體南ans
  • 2005_
  • 華躍進(jìn)
  • 浙江大學(xué)
  • FEMS Microbiology Letters 244 (20熱科05) 251–257 - March 2005
  • Nanosized γ-Al2O3 + Nd2O對一3-based cataluminescence sensor f我雨or ethylene dichloride
  • 2005_
  • 曹小安
  • 廣州大學(xué)
  • Luminescence. 2間一005 May-Jun;20(3):104-108.
  • On-line chemilumines體妹cence determination prot美雜ocatechuic aldehyde and protocatec跳體huic acid in pharmaceu...
  • 2005_
  • 李 華
  • 西北大學(xué)
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical and B去白iomedical Analysis 37 (2005) 733–73電門8
  • On-Line Inhibited Chemilumine現船scence Detection of對習 2,3,5,4′-Tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O有什-β-D-Glucoside and...
  • 2005_
  • 劉二保
  • 陝西師大
  • Microchimica Acta Volume 150, 下視Number 2 / June, 2005 167-171
  • Protective effect of gre得慢en tea polyphenols on the SH-SY5Y cells雨媽 against 6-OHDA indu冷門ced apoptosis thr...
  • 2005_
  • 趙保路
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • Free Radical Biology & Medicine 行要Volume 39, Issue 5友做, 1 September 2005, Page事慢s 682-695
  • Magnetic Bead-Based Ch火村emiluminescent Metal Immun習媽oassay with a Colloidal 近區Gold Label
  • 2005_
  • 盧建忠
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Anal. Chem.2005, 77,3238-3242
  • Enhancing effec能家t of DNA on chemiluminescence fro了司m the decomposition of h金制ydrogen peroxide一美 catalyzed b...
  • 2005_
  • 林金明
  • 中科院生态中心
  • Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 妹都Volume 381, Number 4 / Februa我鐵ry, 2005 828-832
  • Europium Sensitiz白志ed Chemiluminescen校湖ce Determinatio現聽n of Pazufloxacin M訊遠esylate in Urine and Serum
  • 2005_
  • 趙慧春
  • 北京師大
  • Analytical Letters V窗近olume 38, Number 6 / 2005 971 -東司 979
  • Flow-Injection C也也hemiluminescence as 在裡a Means of Studying the Metab如喝olism of Unbound Chromium(III) in鐵樂 R...
  • 2005_
  • 章竹君
  • 西南師大
  • Microchimica Acta Volume 150, Numbers 中讀3-4 / July, 2005 311-316
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