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  • Nitrite sensing based o上農n the carbon dots-enhanced chemilumines小要cence from peroxynitr理空ous acid and carb...
  • 2015
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 132, 15 January 草飛2015, Pages 457–462
  • Hydroxylamine-O-sulfoni亮南c acid as an effi水又cient coreactant of lum算章inol chemiluminesce放木nce for selective ...
  • 2015
  • 徐國(guó)寶
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 6536--多資6539
  • Hyperbranched rolling circle amp飛年lification based electrochemilum如員inescence aptasens能員or for ultrasensit...
  • 2015
  • 林振宇
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Biosensors and Bioelectroni吧用cs Volume 63, 15 January 2時作015, Pages 166–171
  • Intrinsic Chemilu見議minescence Generation during Advanced O頻章xidation of Pers做匠istent Halogenated Aromati謝房c ...
  • 2015
  • 朱本占
  • 中科院生态中心
  • Environ. Sci. Tec公機hnol. 2015, 49, 7940白低−7947
  • Investigation of fine chalk du都看st particles’ chemic子關al compositions and toxicit員體ies on alveolar macroph...
  • 2015
  • 董 川
  • 山西大學(xué)
  • Chemosphere Volume 120, February腦外 2015, Pages 500–506
  • Luminol chemilu影分minescence actuated by modifie問拿d natural sepiolite m要民aterial and its analytical作機 applica...
  • 2015
  • 顧福博
  • 西南大學(xué)
  • Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 27拿議79–2785
  • Micelle modified−carbon nanosphere e紙務nhanced chemilumin身道esence from rea笑輛ctive oxygen species for the de...
  • 2015
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化大
  • Anal. Methods, 2015, 7,相店 5667–5673
  • Hydrotalcite–supported gold na身視noparticle catalysts as在秒 a low temperature cat那如aluminescence sensing pla...
  • 2015
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化大
  • Sensors and Actuators B 219 (謝事2015) 354–360
  • Gold Nanoclusters@Ru(bpy)32報地+−Layered Double Hydroxide Ultr舞時athin Film as a Novel Catho站樂dic Electrochem...
  • 2015
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化大
  • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Vo裡頻lume:87 Issue:15 Pa讀影ges:8026-8032
  • Graphene oxide-based chemi光慢luminescent sensing platform for label匠北-free detection of tr草還ypsin and its i...
  • 2015
  • 樊愛萍
  • 天津大學(xué)
  • Anal. Methods, 2東西015, 7, 9949–9956
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