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  • Development of a catalum離秒inescence sensor for 從為detecting benzene based on m刀月agnesium silicate hollow sp...
  • 2015
  • 王玉槐
  • 杭州師大
  • Luminescence Volume 30化去, Issue 5, pages 619–624短工,August 2015
  • Dual-signal ampli相麗fication strategy for ult月商rasensitive chemilumine裡兵scence detection of PDG長木F–BB in capi...
  • 2015
  • 劉彥明
  • 信陽師院
  • Biomed. Chromatogr. 2線北015; 29: 1866–1870
  • Detection of Oxygen Vacancies in Oxi看友des by Defect-Dependent Cataluminescen得懂ce.pdf
  • 2015
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化大
  • Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 73著舊13−7320
  • Application of Eu-校自multi-walled carb新美on nanotubes as a novel luminophore in草船 electrochemiluminescent ap...
  • 2015
  • 魏 琴
  • 山東濟南大學(xué)
  • ACS Appl. Mater. I林生nterfaces 2015, 7, 厭店12663−12670
  • Aptamer-based detection and quant年雨itative analysis of human immu美西noglobulin E in capil時哥lary electrophor...
  • 2015
  • 劉彥明
  • 信陽師院
  • Electrophoresis 2015, 36, 2413–241站輛8
  • Cataluminescence-b中朋ased sensors: principle, i刀機nstrument and applicati跳一on.pdf
  • 2015
  • 唐 飛
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Luminescence Volume 30, Issue 7, page西些s 919–939
  • Chemiluminescence detection for 匠又Co (II) based on luminol麗場-hydrogen peroxide re裡學action on a micr分近ofluidi...
  • 2015
  • 陳雪葉
  • 遼甯工大
  • Journal of Food 子銀Science and Technology Ja到房nuary 2015, Volume 52, Issue 1, pp喝說 601-604
  • Chemiluminescence determina討不tion of human serum albu白湖min based on Co2+-catalyzed 2-(4-te來在rt-butylphenyl...
  • 2015
  • 沈吉敏
  • 哈爾濱工大
  • RSC Adv., 2015,5,些但 89569-89576
  • Detection of human leptin in se綠金rum using chemilumine樹大scence immunosensor: Sign生道al amplification 關生by hem...
  • 2015
  • 王 倫
  • 安徽師大
  • Sensors and Actuato器草rs B 221 (2015) 792–798
  • An ultrasensitive calcein sensor b照月ased on the implementation of a nov聽體el chemiluminescence system wit媽友...
  • 2015
  • 顧福博
  • 北京化大
  • Sensors and Actua音校tors B: Chemical Volume 212, Ju也新ne 2015, Pages 264–272
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