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  • A single catalumin房技escence sensor ba在議sed on spectral藍她 array and its us街門e in the identification呢區 of vinega...
  • 2015
  • 曹小安
  • 廣州大學(xué)
  • Analytica Chimica Acta 864 我近(2015) 64–73
  • Advances in nanomat匠拍erial-assisted catalumine計女scence and its sensing app說輛lications.pdf
  • 2015
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • TrAC Trends in A聽理nalytical Chemistry Volume 67, April 2嗎事015, Pages 107–127
  • Ultrasensitive determination of bisph窗男enol A in water by inhibition of copp行火er nanoclusters-enhance拿件d c...
  • 2014
  • 陳福南
  • 西南大學(xué)
  • RSC Adv., 2014,4, 44644-44649
  • Wireless Electrochemilumine請開scence with Disposable Minidevic術也e.pdf
  • 2014
  • 徐國(guó)寶
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Anal. Chem., 2014, 86 (18), pp 89件短27–8931
  • A green solid-ph也呢ase method for preparation of carbon n得子itride quantum 文行dots and their applications 我暗in ...
  • 2015
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • RSC Adv., 2015,5, 55158-55164
  • A luminol electrochemiluminescence apt他機asensor based on glucose oxid懂唱ase modified gold na小鄉noparticles f...
  • 2015
  • 劉彥明
  • 河南信陽師院
  • Talanta Volume 132,明動 15 January 2015, Pages 65–7女們1
  • A metal (Co)-or飛南ganic framework-based chemiluminesce我文nce system for se能是lective detecti讀一on of L-cysteine....
  • 2015
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2015, 140線些, 2656–2663
  • A Novel Electrochemil和技uminescence Sensor f但請or Sensitive Determination o什河f Carbaryl Based o輛美n Solid Phase...
  • 2015
  • 王 邃
  • 甯波大學(xué)
  • Australian Journal of Chemistry 68(放術5) 793-799
  • Turn-on chemiluminescent sensing pla海懂tform for label-fre場白e protease detection using 區市streptavidin-modif黃樹...
  • 2014
  • 樊愛萍
  • 天津大學(xué)
  • Biosensors and Bio為兵electronics Volume 61, 15 November 話畫2014, Pages 45–50
  • Simple and highly se呢司nsitive electro都輛generated chemiluminescence aden慢數osine aptasensor formed by adsorb...樂樹
  • 2014
  • 張成(chéng)孝
  • 陝西師大
  • Anal. Methods, 2014,6從錯, 1317-1323
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