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  • Highly Sensitive Flow-Injection 放城Chemiluminescence Detec窗銀tion of Carbonyl Compounds in Wi制校ne Samples.pd...
  • 2011_
  • 蘇星光
  • 吉林大學(xué)
  • Analytical Letters,44:1-3, 4-11
  • Instantaneous derivatizat中飛ion technology for the simult間笑aneous and homogeneous detect話雨ion of multiple d...
  • 2011_
  • 劉彩雲
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2011, 136, 3理學981-3987
  • Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species p務農romote p65 nuclear transl這美ocation mediating high-phosphate-in從哥d...
  • 2011_
  • 王 憲
  • 北京大學(xué)
  • Kidney International 79, 1071-1079議物
  • Mono- and dinuclea術紙r Ru(II) complexes o中上f 1,4-bis(3-(2-pyridyl)pyrazol-學吧1-ylmethyl)benzene): Synthesis,.少紅..
  • 2011_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Dalton Trans., 路如2011, 40, 11636-紙輛11642
  • Nitric oxide effect on root報靜 architecture development in Malus s市秒eedlings.pdf
  • 2011_
  • 楊洪強
  • 山東農大
  • PLANT SOIL ENVIRON., 說大57, 2011 (9): 418–422
  • On-chip sample pretreatment using a po資樂rous polymer monolithic colum鐵頻n for solid-phase micro也影extraction...
  • 2011_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2011, 136, 426上市0-4267
  • Peroxynitrous-Acid-了草Induced Chemiluminescence of物商 Fluorescent Carbon Dots fo跳姐r Nitrite Sensing.pdf
  • 2011_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Anal. Chem., 2011, 樹美83 (21), pp 8245–8251
  • Highly sensitive妹費 electrochemiluminescent b還銀iosensor for ade事店nosine based on str喝不ucture-switching of apt...
  • 2011_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Analytica Chimica Acta Vo照黑lume 684, Issues 1-2, 17 January 2011,報紅 Pages 121-125
  • Formation of G-qu體舊adruplex-hemin DNAzyme based on hu個林man telomere elongation and its appli通服cation in te...
  • 2011_
  • 李雪梅
  • 青島科技大學(xué)
  • Biosensors and Bioelectronic老錢s Volume 26, Issue 10, 15 錯謝June 2011, Pages 4095-40西光98
  • Gold nanorod-catalyzed luminol ch金個emiluminescence an高醫d its selective determination 冷兵of glutathione in t...
  • 2011_
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化工大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 85,數為 Issue 1, 15 July 2011, Pages 476-4筆地81
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