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  • Electrochemilumine兒這scence of tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)rutheni湖金um(II) in the presence of hydrazine and跳銀 its d...
  • 2011_
  • 徐國(guó)寶
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Anal. Methods, 2011, 3, 1786–1789
  • Enhancement of Ultraweak Chemilu土美minescence from裡高 Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide都吃 and Bisulfite by Water...
  • 2011_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115 (費海44), pp 21707–2171窗西4
  • Flow Injection Chemiluminescence De好外termination of EDTA in 話體Canned Food.pdf
  • 2011_
  • 蘇星光
  • 吉林大學(xué)
  • Analytical Letters,Volume 44動服, Issue 1 & 3, 2011, Page路日s 94 - 104
  • Development of an ultrasensitive 劇輛electrochemiluminescence inh討道ibition method for the det熱西ermination of...
  • 2011_
  • 郭智勇
  • 甯波大學(xué)
  • Analytica Chimica Acta 688 (2011)數們 197–202
  • Determination o廠做f Albumin Using the討通 Chemiluminescence of Tb湖妹3+/K2S2O8 System.pdf
  • 2011_
  • 張憶華
  • 吉林大學(xué)
  • Analytical Letters,Vo自日lume 44, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 626 - 商討636
  • Determination of cocaine on 明東banknotes through an aptamer-based 從呢electrochemiluminescenc暗區e biosensor.pd...
  • 2011_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Analytical and Bioanalyt區藍ical Chemistry Volume 400花女, Number 1, 289-294
  • Determination of Ma兒購lachite Green Residues in Fish Using 錢購a Highly Sensitive Electroch火日emiluminescence 妹時...
  • 2011_
  • 郭智勇
  • 甯波大學(xué)
  • J. Agric. Food Ch小玩em., 2011, 59 (10), pp 5257–5262
  • Determination of melamine in dairy pro商討ducts by an electrochemilumin哥飛escent method combined討讀 with solid...
  • 2011_
  • 郭智勇
  • 甯波大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 83, Issue 5, 15 Februar木湖y 2011, Pages 1736–1741
  • Determination of nitrite in tap waters生厭 based on fluorosurfactant-capped gold近樂 nanoparticles-enhanced請對 ...
  • 2011_
  • 呂 超
  • 北京化工大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2011, 136, 2379-23相拍84
  • Development of a Special 工美Two-Dimensional Fin用科gerprint for the Quality E舞動valuation of Euonymus Alatu by...
  • 2011_
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Analytical Letter書業s,44:1-3, 82-93
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