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  • Determination of l-ascor知女bic acid in human serum by che河劇miluminescence based畫子 on hydrogen peroxide–sodi..友慢.
  • 2010_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 81, I美一ssues 4-5, 15 June 2010海間, Pages 1688-1696
  • Effect of esterification with f子文atty acid of β-cryptoxanthin on 習習its thermal stability 上不and antioxidant...
  • 2010_
  • 潘思轶
  • 華中農大
  • Food Chemistry Volume 122, Issue 3, 1鄉空 October 2010, Pages 6村要02-609
  • Detection of N6-me媽鄉thyladenosine in 子那urine samples by electrochemilumi睡作nescence using a heated ITO elec...
  • 2010_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Electrochimica Acta Volume 56,歌科 Issue 2, 30 December 2010吃愛, Pages 644-648
  • Chemiluminescence Behavior and A要要pplication of Ce (IV)-Tween2就子0-Tryptophan System.pdf 
  • 2010_
  • 範世華
  • 東北大學(xué)
  • Analytical Letters, 1532-236X, Volum器來e 43,Pages 2142-2151
  • Chemiluminescence DNA 議飛biosensor based on間黑 dual-amplification of thr吧身ombin and thiocyanuric acid-gold n...
  • 2010
  • 張書聖
  • 青島科大
  • Analyst, 2010,135, 332-336
  • Chemiluminescence老議 Evaluation of Antioxid從見ant Activity and Prevention of 爸商DNA Damage Effect of Peptides..內愛.
  • 2010_
  • 馬美湖
  • 華中農大
  • J. Agric. Food Che呢時m., 2010, 58 (23), pp 12體匠137–12142
  • Chemiluminescently labe微微led aptamers as紅購 the affinity probe內行 for interaction a外制nalysis by capillary elec歌木...
  • 2010_
  • 張新祥
  • 北京大學(xué)
  • ELECTROPHORESIS Volume 31, Issue 厭家14, pages 2452–2460
  • Comparison of Two On東件-Line Analysis Techniq店藍ues Used for the 拿人Screening of Antioxidants 哥服in EGb 761.pdf
  • 2010_
  • 餘伯陽
  • 中國(guó)藥科大學(xué)
  • Chromatographia Volu西些me 71, 493-497
  • Detection of different quorum-sensin我裡g signal molecules in a virulent Edwa討看rdsiella tarda strain LTB-4...
  • 2010_
  • 張曉華
  • 中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)
  • Journal of Applied Microbiology Volume金街 108 Issue 1, Pages 139 - 147知煙
  • Chemiluminescenc腦她e Arising from the Decomposition of 章近Peroxymonocarbonate and Enhanced by 了可CdTe Quantum...
  • 2010_
  • 林金明
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • J. Phys. Chem. A, 2010, 114 (37),員明 pp 10049–10058
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