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  • A reagentless DNA biosensor based 店事on cathodic electrochemilumin姐也escence at a C/CxO1−x electrod老討e.pdf 
  • 2010_
  • 孫建軍
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Talanta Volume 81, Issue 3, 高綠15 May 2010, Page農東s 934-940
  • An ethanol gas sensor using 開輛energy transfer catal店長uminescence on nanosized YVO4:Eu3+ 術廠surface.pdf 
  • 2010_
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Vo市銀lume 144, Issue 1, 29 Januar短中y 2010, Pages 192-煙呢197
  • Biocompatible electrochemiluminescen放資t biosensor for choline based on 電章enzyme/titanate nanotubes/chito...
  • 2010_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Biosensors and Bioe畫訊lectronics Volume 25, 用花Issue 6, 15 February 2010, Pa他外ges 1414-1419
  • Cathodic electrochemilum空現inescence at C/CxO1−x electrodes 金行for the fabrication of label-fr子外ee biosensor...
  • 2010
  • 孫建軍
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Analyst, 2010,13計請5, 2309-2315
  • Cathodic electrochemilu筆外minescence of lu白放minol in aqueous solutions遠訊 based on C-doped o費熱xide covered tit..朋兒.
  • 2010_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Electrochimica Acta Volume 56,外在 Issue 1, 15 December 2010, Page山店s 74-79
  • Chemiluminescence and energy 微開transfer mechanism of lanthanid有看e ions in different media based 低我on perox...
  • 2010_
  • 林金明
  • 中科院生态中心
  • Luminescence. 2010 Jul-Aug;25(4):3和件22-7.
  • A new cataluminescence sensor for carbo店來n tetrachloride us報到ing its catalytic reduction by h現動ydrogen on ...
  • 2010_
  • 侯賢燈
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • Microchemical Journal低鄉 Volume 95, Issue 2, J西鄉uly 2010, Pages 359-365
  • A new electrochemiluminesce遠笑nt sensing interface for clonazep我校am based on titanate nanotu得外bes self-asse...
  • 2010_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chem花慢ical Volume 145, Issu美空e 1, Pages 320-326
  • A novel and sensitive formaldehyde gas器文 sensor utilizing t電他hermal desorption coupled with catalumi照音nesc...
  • 2010
  • 饒志明
  • 漳州師院
  • Sensors and Actuator報得s B: Chemical Volume 145, Issue弟大 1, 4 March 2010, Pages 78–83
  • A novel cataluminescence 高車gas sensor base廠草d on MgO thin film.pdf
  • 2010
  • 曹小安
  • 北京師大
  • Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Volu購看me 148, Issue 1, 30 June 2010, Page們在s 292–297
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