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  • An electrochemiluminescent biosensor 高醫for vitamin C based on inhibiti舞校on of luminol electro書見chemilumine...
  • 2008_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Electrochimica Acta 53 (2008) 我車5113–5117
  • An electrochemiluminescent biose林藍nsor for uric acid based on the el裡畫ectrochemiluminescence of bis-[3他友,4...
  • 2008_
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Show Affiliations Analyst, 2業子008,133, 797-801
  • Binding to the Minor Groove of 筆民the Double-Strand, Tau數哥 Protein Prevents DNA from Damage月靜 by Peroxidati...
  • 2008_
  • 赫榮喬
  • 中科院生物物理所
  • PLoS ONE July 2008 Volume 3 Iss林少ue 7 e2600
  • A novel probe for chemilumines但體cent image detection of prote水月ins in two-dimensional ge是議l electrophoresi...
  • 2008_
  • 歐陽津
  • 北京師大
  • Electrophoresis 2008,是弟 29, 716–725
  • Ultrasensitive electrogenerated chemilu通錢minescence detection of DNA hybridiz市光ation using carbon-nanotu...
  • 2007_
  • 張成(chéng)孝
  • 陝西師大
  • Talanta Volume 72, Issue雪鄉 5, 31 July 2007, Pages 1704-1709
  • Zeolite-based catalu哥校minescence sensor for the selective d務很etection of acetaldehyde.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 盧建忠
  • 複旦大學(xué)
  • Luminescence Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages小一 473-479
  • [Ru(bpy)3]2+-Doped Silica Nanoparticl銀快es within Layer-by-Layer Biomolecular C外門oatings and Their Applic...
  • 2008
  • 汪爾康
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • Chemistry - A Europea一錢n Journal Volume 14, Issue 12, pages 山下3687–3693, April謝從 18, 2008
  • A CL Mode Detector fo什說r Rapid Catalyst Select友也ion and Environmental Dete見山ction Fabricated by Per船訊ovskite...
  • 2008
  • 朱永法
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Environ. Sci. Technol商道., 2008, 42 (10), pp 3886–3892
  • A electrochemilumine場短scence aptasensor 就雨for detection of throm資村bin incorporating the capture a知關ptamer la...
  • 2008_
  • 汪爾康
  • 中科院長(cháng)春應化所
  • analytica chimica acta 628 ( 2008 )玩的 80–86
  • A novel gaseous 暗地pinacolyl alcohol sensor utili也用zing cataluminescence on al多醫umina nanowires prepared by..不金.
  • 2008
  • 劉國(guó)宏
  • 防化院
  • Analytica Chimica Acta Volum校話e 618, Issue 2,都錢 23 June 2008, Pages 204–209
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