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  • Simultaneous Electro子那chemiluminescence Detection章自 of Anisodamine生這, Atropine, and Scopolamine in 身到Flos da...
  • 2007
  • 鞠煌先
  • 南京大學(xué)
  • Electroanalysis Volume 1個北9, Issue 15, pages 1569–1574, Augus機舞t 2007
  • Novel chemiluminescence system with cal員在cein as chemiluminescent reagent.p校資df
  • 2007
  • 呂九如
  • 陝西師大
  • Luminescence Volume討黑 22, Issue 5, pages 480姐道–486,September/October 2007
  • Post-chemiluminescence Phe去信nomenon of NBS-Luminol React為頻ions and Their Appl廠地ications to Flow Inject從理ion ...
  • 2007_
  • 呂九如
  • 陝西師大
  • Analytical Sciences V美日ol. 23 (2007) , No. 11 p.1301
  • Preparation of LaSrCu放是O4 nanowires by carbon nanotubes a子視nd their catalytic and chemilu是村minescence prop...
  • 2007_
  • 朱永法
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • Applied Catalys身玩is A: General Vo問話lume 328, Issue 2, 10 September大費 2007, Pages 156-162
  • Rapid Screening of Gold Catalyst時月s by Chemiluminescence-Based A也聽rray Imaging.pdf
  • 2007_
  • 張新榮
  • 清華大學(xué)
  • J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (19), pp很舊 6062–6063
  • Rapid, sensitive and on-明大line measurement of chemical oxygen兒中 demand by novel optical m音相ethod based on ...
  • 2007_
  • 呂 弋
  • 四川大學(xué)
  • Microchemical Journal Volume 87, Issu暗房e 1, October 2007, Pages 56-61
  • ROS and NF-B but 器木not LXR mediate IL-1 signaling 熱船for the downregulation of ATP-bi女照nding cassette trans...
  • 2007_
  • 王 憲
  • 北京大學(xué)
  • Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 292: C1493-C1外和501, 2007.
  • Sensitive Monitoring of Humic A好服cid in Various Aquatic Environments在工 with Acidic Cerium Chemiluminesce..麗煙.
  • 2007_
  • 林金明
  • 中科院生态中心
  • Analytical Sciences Vol. 男爸23 (2007) , No. 10 p.1189-1飛跳193
  • Simultaneous determinatio吧裡n of glucose, fruct身光ose and lactose in food sa美湖mples using a continuous-flow ...計用
  • 2007_
  • 李保新
  • 陝西師大
  • Luminescence Volume 2資吃2, Issue 4 , Pa街姐ges 317 - 325
  • New capillary electro門年phoresis–electroc如煙hemiluminescence detection人北 system equipped wi報空th an electricall...
  • 2007
  • 陳國(guó)南
  • 福州大學(xué)
  • Journal of Chromatography司數 A Volume 1172, Issue 1讀請, 16 November 2007, Pages 84–91
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