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随著(zhe)人們對(duì)環境保護的重視,對(duì)環境鐘科監測要求也愈來愈高,環境科學(xué)受到(dào可做)了廣泛重視。化學(xué)發(fā)光法的衆多優點使得其在環境們樹分析領域的應用也逐漸增加。近年來員腦,随著(zhe)環境科學(xué)研究的深入煙可和發(fā)展,化學(xué)發(fā)光分析在環境監測中的應用也日益國我增多,并成(chéng)功地應用于大氣監測、水質監測以及環境嗎冷污染機理的研究中。BPCL超微弱發(fā)光測量儀作為先進(jìn)的發(fā)光研究工具已被(b秒機èi)廣泛應用于環境科學(xué)研究領域,并獲得了豐碩成(ch快答éng)果,不少研究成(chéng)果在Environmental Science & T國微echnology Analytical ChemistryApplied Catalysis B: Environmental等國(guó)際著名期刊上發(fā)表其例子有:


[1]   &nb哥姐sp;   Gao H Y, Mao L, Li F, Xie L N, Huang 紙月C H, Shao J, Shao B, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu B Z. Mechanism of i姐西ntrinsic chemiluminescence production f靜還rom the degradation of persistent chl窗睡orinated phenols 快村by the Fenton system: a st樹下ructure−activity relationship訊司 study and the critical ro信區le of quinoid and semiquinone 北農radical intermediates. Environmental Scie章店nce & Technology, 2017, 51(5):2934-2943.

[2]      知也; Mao L, Liu Y X, Huang C H, Gao你鐘 H Y, Kalyanaraman B, Zhu B Z. Intrinsic chemiluminescence ge但家neration during advanced o們水xidation of persistent halogenated女錢 aromatic carcinogens. Environmental Science & Techn黑舊ology, 2015, 49(13):女技 7940-7947.

[3]    &nb計制sp;  Teng F, Xu T, Teng Y, Liang 嗎公S H, Gauge B, Lin J, Yao W Q, Zong R司就 L, Zhu Y F, Zheng Y F. A CL m音議ode detector for rapid catalyst懂那 selection and environmenta從民l detection fabricated by perovskite n醫樹anoparticles. Environmental Science &am東制p; Technology, 2008, 42 (10): 3886-銀問3892

[4]    &nbs要答p;  Li R J, Kou X J, Geng H, X一窗ie J F, Yang Z H, Zhang Y X, Cai 農腦Z W. Effect of ambient PM2.5 on lung mitochondrial damag可站e and fusion/fission gene expressi會明on in rats. Chemical Research i兒生n Toxicology, 2015, 28(3): 4快樂08-418.

[5]     自笑;  Chen H, Li H F, Lin J M. Determi錢來nation of ammonia in water 唱都based on chemilu歌了minescence resonance間懂 energytransfer between peroxymono空生carbonate and branched Na還人YF4: Yb3+/Er3+ nanoparticles. Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84(20): 店劇8871-8879.

[6]    &n鐵頻bsp;  Li R B, Kameda T麗多, Toriba A, Hayakawa K, Lin J M. Det頻和ermination of benzo [α] pyren劇會e-7, 10-quinone in air外愛borne particulates b雜廠y using a chemilumi懂離nescence reaction of hydrogen p從亮eroxide and hydrosulfite.&慢有nbsp;Analytical Chemistry訊師, 2012, 84(7): 3西麗215-3221.

[7]   &nbs人笑p;   Teng F, Chen M, Li G Q信白, Teng Y, Xu T G, H舞年ang Y C, Yao W Q, Santhanagopal理紙an S, Meng D S S, Zhu Y F. High綠為 combustion activity of CH4 and catalluminescence properties工現 of CO oxidation over porou裡鐘s Co3O4 nanorods. Applied Catalysis B: Environm你海ental, 2011, 110:133-140.

[8]     &nbs藍路p; Tang Y, Su Y Y, Yang N, Zhang L好說 C, Lv Y. Carbon nitride quantum dots: 的嗎a novel chemiluminescence system f林可or selective dete章靜ction of free chlorine in Water. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86(9): 4528-4535.

[9]   &動微nbsp;   Zhou K W, Cheng Y L, Yang草匠 H W, Gu C X, Xiao Y, Zhao M H Xu. Iden但金tification and determinatio和低n of formaldehyde, benzene 少制and ammonia in air bas有你ed on cross sensiti老要vity of catalumines聽機cence on single catalyst. Sensors & Act民房uators B Chemical, 2017, 246: 703–709.

[10]   多來; Gao W Y, Hui P, Qi L M年外, Liu Z Y Zhang W, Xu G B. Determi匠報nation of copper(II) based on its inhib得舞itory effect on the cathodic electr河空ochemiluminescence of lucigenin.來綠 Microchimica Acta, 2016, 184:1-5.

[11]    Wang D F, Guo L街報 H, Huang R, Qiu B, L頻都in Z Y, Chen G N. 行做Surface Enhanced elect我近rochemiluminesce到就nce for ultrasensitive detection 都多of Hg2+. Electrochimica Acta他志, 2014, 150: 123-128.

[12]    Zhang Y X, Yang Z H, Feng Y, Li R J下事, Zhang Q X, Geng H, Dong C. Effects腦年 of coarse chalk dust particl樂遠es (2.5-10 μm) on respiratory burst and oxidati唱民ve stress in alveolar macrophages. Environmental Science & Pollution R離暗esearch Internation會花al, 2015, 22(16): 12450-12457.


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